Started by Brian Scott Bagdonas, Fiddleink is printing and graphic work crafted by hand and mechanical typecasting methods.
A sampling of this print-work can be viewed at the "Ink" page. When not printing, Brian occasionally can be heard playing fiddle tunes and string band music with friends on front porches, backyards and pubs around the Pacific Northwest.
Brian is one of three founders of Stumptown Printers Worker Cooperative (1999-2019). Currently he and Rebecca N. Gilbert do commission print, packaging and design work through Craft Printing House. He also is a volunteer and a board member at the C.C. Stern Type Foundry. Brian has had the honor to play with musicians in string bands such as Foghorn Stringband, The Horsenecks, Pig Iron, Crackerbox, Maris Otter, the Dickel Brothers and others.